Dear band family!

If you are in town this weekend, please consider coming out to the Texas Color Guard Circuit State Championship contest at Hopson Gym by Hightower High School to help us run the contest!  There have been a couple of volunteer schedules posted for potential "shifts" but we only need 2 at a time to help run these shifts.  As I stated in an earlier meal, it involves just running a timer and that is all. Those who want to see our color guards perform, you can come volunteer and see them for FREE while I cover your volunteer shift!

We need:

(2 people per shift)

Friday one shift-

Saturday four shifts- 
7:30-11:30 am
11:30 am-2:30 pm
2:30-5:30 pm
5:30-9:00 pm Tear Down (ideally students would be interested in this shift)

STUDENTS! Please email me or sign up using the volunteer form under the parents tab in the website!  All volunteers interested can email me or use the volunteer form under the parents tab in the website. Again thank you so much, we need all the help we can get!  

"A standard above excellence, a goal beyond victory."

I.H. Kempner High School Band Program 14777 Voss Rd, Sugar Land, TX 77498