Senior Night
Dear Senior parents and students,
I am excited to announce that we will be honoring our Senior Band students during halftime at this Friday’s game at Mercer Stadium. Before we perform, Senior students will move to the front sideline and join their parents as we call their names and honor them for being committed to the Kempner Band for 4 years!!!
Senior Band Recognition
Friday, October 16th
Mercer Stadium
Halftime(approximately 8pm)
Escorts will enter the field before the band performs. Escorts will enter through the same opening that the band enters from, just follow the band down. You will stand on the sideline and wait for your student to be lined up. Once students are lined up, escorts will go stand next to your student. Only parents or guardians are permitted to be escorts. Anyone else will require the approval of Mr. Brodt. After we announce all the Seniors, escorts will go back to the stands and watch the performance.
Dressing up
It is our tradition that Seniors and their escorts dress up for Senior Night. It is up to you to decide how dressed up you will be. Seniors will have to perform in their dress clothes immediately after the recognition. I would recommend if you wear a dress, to wear bloomers or shorts underneath in case of wind while performing.
All parents will need to purchase a Ticket in order to enter the stadium. Please click the Ticket link to purchase.
Seniors; please fill out the survey. We will announce your plans after HS as part of the recognition.