Dallas Band Trip 2025
Trip Dates: Friday, May 16th - Sunday, May 18th
Price per student- $400
Hotel- TBD
Spots are limited, Sign-Up Now!!! In order to sign-up for the trip, fill this out: Sign-Up Form
Itinerary/Information Handout
The Dallas Band Trip is optional
All woodwind, brass, percussion, and guard students are able to attend
Students must have all other fees paid to participate
Must have deposit in by Feb 2nd to reserve spot
No refunds after March 1st
Students will stay 4 to a room
Chaperones are welcome, price is same($400)
Payments may be made online or cash/check in the band hall safe
Price $400 total cost
Payment plan
$100 due January 10th
$100 due March 1st
$100 due April 1st
$100 due May 1st
The only online form of payment we can take is Zelle. DO NOT USE VENMO!
Go to Zelle
Add new recipient: KempnerBandBooster@gmail.com
Business Name: Kempner Band Boosters
Memo: Student Name + San Antonio Trip