Dallas Band Trip 2025

Trip Dates: Friday, May 16th - Sunday, May 18th

Price per student- $400

Hotel- TBD

Spots are limited, Sign-Up Now!!! In order to sign-up for the trip, fill this out: Sign-Up Form

Itinerary/Information Handout

The Dallas Band Trip is optional

  • All woodwind, brass, percussion, and guard students are able to attend

  • Students must have all other fees paid to participate

  • Must have deposit in by Feb 2nd to reserve spot

  • No refunds after March 1st

  • Students will stay 4 to a room

  • Chaperones are welcome, price is same($400)

  • Payments may be made online or cash/check in the band hall safe

Price $400 total cost

Payment plan

$100 due January 10th

$100 due March 1st

$100 due April 1st

$100 due May 1st

The only online form of payment we can take is Zelle. DO NOT USE VENMO!

Go to Zelle

  1. Add new recipient: KempnerBandBooster@gmail.com

  2. Business Name: Kempner Band Boosters

  3. Memo: Student Name + San Antonio Trip

"A standard above excellence, a goal beyond victory."

I.H. Kempner High School Band Program 14777 Voss Rd, Sugar Land, TX 77498