Pizza Fundraiser!

Hello Band Family!

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about a wonderful opportunity to help out our wonderful band. 

Friday Pizza sales is Our Band’s most profitable fundraising activity!  

Every Friday, KMCBC sells Pizza in the KHS Commons during the lunch hours.  In order to quickly move the students through the line we need your help.  It is a lot of fun!  You get to meet other band parents and get the scoop … and you become a hero to the entire Kempner student body! 

It's easy to sign up to help just click on the following link, find a Friday that is convenient for you and BAM you're signed up.  As an extra bonus for you volunteering, your student(s) will receive 2 FREE slices of pizza on the day you volunteer. 

Feel free to sign up for more than one week.  Yes, we do this every Friday… for the entire school year. BUT, it is only TWO HOUR commitment and even if you can only help once or twice, or once a month, every single bit helps A LOT! Go ahead and sign up for what you think you can do, it is easy to delete your sign up if something comes up later.  I only ask that you let me know the night before via Sign up Genius or text if you plan to volunteer, or if you need to cancel.   

Please help out as little or as much as you can!  We cannot do this without volunteers! Feel free to text or email me with any questions. 



Kerri Christiano 

KMCBC Pizza Coordinator 

281-794-5632 cell 

"A standard above excellence, a goal beyond victory."

I.H. Kempner High School Band Program 14777 Voss Rd, Sugar Land, TX 77498