Information Update!

Parents and Students,

Good morning!

We have a few things to bring to your attention:


Fitnessgram - Friday, March 9 - During class time

All students will participate in the Fitnessgram this Friday during class. Students will need to bring athletic clothing to change into during class.


Eligibility Check - Friday, March 9

Students who wish to participate in future band events, including Pre-UIL and UIL, will need to be passing all of their classes by this Friday, March 9 at 2:45 pm. Please check Skyward to find out if your student is failing a class.


Dallas Trip - Sunday March 11 - Tuesday March 13

If you were unable to attend the meeting, please read the following information:

Dallas Trip Information


Disney Trip Deposit - Thursday, March 15

I you wish to attend the 2019 Band Trip to Orlando, you must complete to registration process by 3/15/2018. The first 50 individuals to pay the deposit will be guaranteed a spot. Everyone after that will be put on a waiting list until another 50 have paid. There are currently 20 signed up!

2019 Orlando Trip Information


Popcorn Fundraiser - Tuesday, March 20

We are asking that every student sell $120 worth of popcorn by March 20. Incentives will be announced soon!

Popcorn Order Form


Pre-UIL - Symphonic/Concert Band Friday, March 23 - Wind Ensemble Tuesday, March 27

Dresses and tuxedos will be provided by the band program. Other required items:

Males - Tuxedo shirt (not a dress shirt), Bowtie, Long black dress socks, Black dress shoes

Females - Black stockings, black dress shoes (no high heels please)


Thank you!


"A standard above excellence, a goal beyond victory."

I.H. Kempner High School Band Program 14777 Voss Rd, Sugar Land, TX 77498