Fan-Pledge Fundraiser
We are about to kick-off our 1st major fundraiser of the year. In order for our band to be successful it takes a lot of financial support. Every aspect of the marching band takes money from fundraisers to make it work. Transportation, music, meals, props, instrument repair, flags, uniforms, etc… the list of expenses is endless. The most competitive bands in the state are also some of the most successful at fundraising, and in order for Kempner to compete at the same level as these bands, we have to fundraise at the same level that they do.
Fan-Pledge is a fundraiser built around a intuitive online platform and comprehensive services designed to help us get donations for the band.
All students have to do right now, is set up their account and put in 20 contacts. Our goal is for every band student to have their 20 contacts entered by this Friday, Nov 19th. It is critical that students get these contacts entered so we can reach out to as many of our community supporters as possible.
Follow the instructions and start entering contacts now!!!
Go to the link, enter the school code, set up an account, and begin entering contacts.
School Code: 42185-64758