Solo & Ensemble Contest
Thursday, May 6th at Kempner
All woodwind and brass students are required to play a Solo for contest. Participation will count as a double major grade. Students unable to attend in person due to health concerns will submit a recording through schoology. Students need to arrive to Kempner on May 6th at least 15 minutes prior to their performance time. Upon arrival students will go to the commons and assemble their instrument and warm-up. At their performance time they will go to the location indicated on the performance schedule and play their solo for a judge. Family members are welcome to sit in and watch the performance.
Students need to dress in performance attire. No jeans, No T-Shirts, No shorts, No tennis shoes.
Before each student plays they need to introduce themselves. “Hello, my name is_____. I will be playing______ composed by_______.”
Piano Accompaniment
Some students will be performing with a piano player, their names are highlighted in the schedule. They must attend the rehearsals to practice with the paino player on April 30th and May 4th. The piano players will be here between 4pm-8pm on those dates. Students can show up anytime between 4-8 to rehearse, first come first serve.
Stereo Accompaniment
Students playing solos out of the Blue or Green book will play with a recorded accompaniment. They can practice with the recording anytime, the recording are on the music page.
Students will receive a rating based on their performance. Division 1, 2, 3, or 4. Students who receive a division 1 rating will receive a medal. After your performance, results will be distrubuted in Mr. Brodt’s office along with medals.