Lamar Marching Contest
The Lamar Marching Contest is this Saturday, October 7th at Lamar Traylor Stadium:,-95.778171,18z
We still need volunteers to help chaperone and especially help with pit crew. We are 7 volunteers short of what we need for pit crew on Saturday at the contest. If you are available please sign up online:
Admission is $5 for adults $3 for students
Chaperones and pit crew will recieve a wrist band to enter for FREE
10:00 am - Rehearsal
11:15 am - Eat Change Pack Load
12:15 pm - Inspection
12:30 pm - Meeting
12:45 pm - Depart
1:30 pm - Arrive at Lamar Traylor Stadium
2:35 pm - Warm-up begins
3:15 pm - Performance
4:30 pm - Depart for KHS
5:15 pm - Arrive at KHS
5:45 pm - Dismiss