Game 3

We have our 3rd football game this Thursday, September 28th, at 6:30pm at Hall Stadium against Ridge Point HS. We will be on the visitors side. Please bring a sack lunch if you did not purchase the meal plan. If you plan to leave campus during ECPL, please provide a signed letter from your parent or guardian giving permission to do so. 

Dress: Full Band Uniform, member shirt underneath, long black socks, NO JEWELRY

2:45 pm - School ends

3:00 pm - Rehearsal begins

3:30 pm - ECPL

4:30 pm - Inspection

4:45 pm - Meeting

5:00 pm - Depart for Hall Stadium

5:30 pm - Arrive at Hall Stadium

6:30 pm - Game Starts

7:30 pm - Halftime performance

9:00 pm - Game ends

9:30 pm - Depart for KHS

10:00 pm - Arrive at KHS

10:30 pm - Dissmis

"A standard above excellence, a goal beyond victory."

I.H. Kempner High School Band Program 14777 Voss Rd, Sugar Land, TX 77498