Parents, Families, and Students: 

The district put out a statement today regarding our 2017-18 school year calendar!

While we wait on this calendar to be voted on and ratified for the entire district, we have planned a vast MAJORITY of the school year for next year, including rehearsals. We have decided to publish a first draft of our 2017-18 calendar on the band website in the calendar tab. 

This is draft 1 of our calendar and it is important to understand that it is in no way final! Should our school board decide not to adopt this calendar, we have a backup calendar already made and ready to switch over. 

There are some items that ARE present with a large reasonable certainty, should this proposed calendar be adopted: 

-Summer band rehearsal dates and times (read detailed notes in event) 
-Fall rehearsal dates and times (read detailed notes in event) 
-Early release days
-Some concerts
-Some competitions
-Dates of football games (without details, just dates) 

There are some items that are NOT present on this first draft of the calendar such as: 

-Spring Contest dates
-Winterguard rehearsals
-All-Region Band/Orchestra Auditions
-Orchestra rehearsals
-Late Fall and all Spring concert dates

We must wait until the building use calendar is available to us and this calendar time line is fully adopted by our school district. This was done in an effort to get as much information out to all our families, supporters, parents, and students so that the following items may start to get planned with the students' rehearsal requirement in mind as it relates to their band class grades and overall band participation: 

-Summer vacations
-birthday celebrations
-family reunions
-college visits
-specialist appointments
-recurring doctor appointments
-driving school
-club activities
-club sport activities
-possible Summer jobs and other employment opportunities
-tickets for major concerts or entertainment events

Should this calendar not be adopted, we will most likely start school later in August and end in early June. We will then post a new version of the calendar in order to accommodate for this. Again, please understand this is draft 1 and tentative until our school district adopts this officially and is being supplied for long-term future planning purposes. Thanks for your continued support and we will add the rest of the yearly items and let everyone know when/if this is to be finalized the moment we have the opportunity! 


The I.H. Kempner High School Band Staff 

"A standard above excellence, a goal beyond victory."

I.H. Kempner High School Band Program 14777 Voss Rd, Sugar Land, TX 77498