Indoor Drumline Information
Costs -$57 for uniform top, ~$37 for uniform pants (using the same as last season), ~$30 for uniform shoes. This is an additional expense unrelated to Marching Band
Shirt(Uniform Top): $57 - Pay to Kempner Band. You can pay online through Zelle or pay Cash/Check to the
band hall safe. Due Feb 3rd.
Uniform Pants - Must purchase yourself. You may pick either the mens or womens option.
Uniform Shoes - Must purchase yourself. You may pick either the mens or womens option.
Percussion is a year long class. It is a performing arts class that has a performing component required to receive credit for the class. The percussion ensemble performs with the marching band during the fall semester and performs independently as a competitive indoor program during the spring semester. Students receive a Fine Arts Credit and a PE credit for participating in Percussion all year. This is a PERFORMING arts class.
Rehearsals - Held every Monday and Thursday 5pm-8pm and Fridays 5-8pm on competition weeks. All rehearsals can be found on the calendar. Rehearsals subject to change.
Contests- All contests and performances count as a Major Grade. Students will receive a 100%
for showing up and participating.
● Saturday, February 3rd TCGC @ Pasadena M. HS
● Saturday, February 24th @ Waller HS
● Saturday, March 9th TCGC @ Klein Collins HS
● Saturday, April 6th TCGC Area Championships @ Cypress Ranch
● Saturday, April 13th TCGC State Championships @ Reed Arena (College Station, TX)
Uniform Links
As we gear up for an exciting season with our indoor percussion ensemble, I wanted to provide you with important details regarding the uniform costs for the upcoming performances. Each member of the indoor percussion section is required to contribute $57 for their performance top which was ordered by the band program. Additionally, it is important to note that the band program will not be providing pants and shoes for the ensemble. Instead, each member is responsible for purchasing these items individually. The designated pants and shoes can be found in the links below. You can buy either pair of the Mens or Womens, depending on your size and preference. Please make sure to acquire these items promptly to ensure that our ensemble maintains a unified and polished look. We will need the shoes and pants for our competition on February 3rd. Click the links above and purchase them yourselves.